Page:Pleasant Memories.pdf/316

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Who entereth to this dreary cell?
    Who dares the hardened throng,
With fearless step and brow serene,
    In simple goodness strong?
She hath a Bible in her hand,
    And on her lips the spell
Of loving and melodious speech,
    Those lion hearts to quell.

She readeth from that Holy Book,
    And in its spirit meek,
Doth warn them as those straying ones
    Whom Christ vouchsafes to seek;
She kneeleth down, and asketh Him
    Who deigned the lost to find,
Back to his blessed fold to lead
    These impotent and blind.

Then gently, as the mother lures
    Her child from folly's way,
Good counsel eloquent she gives,
    To guide a future day;
When in the convict-ship they sail,
    And sore temptation tries,
Or when an exile's lot they bear
    'Neath Australasian skies.