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ey to carry on his business, and desired him to lend him a little. His uncle finding he was getting into a way, out of his generosity lends him £20, but makes him give him a bond to pay him in a year's time. The poor man had almost as well been without his money, as to have been under such an obligation; but he was resolved to keep touch with him, though he lived so poorly all the while that he was the scorn of all his neighbours and follow tradesmen, who looked upon him as a poor and consequently a pitiful fellow: but for all that he paid his uncle the £20 within the time limited; which his uncle took so well, that he told him, since he took such care to keep his word, he would remember him another time. And so he did; for having neither wife nor child, when he died, he divided his estate amongst his relations, and left this poor kinsman of his, thirty thousand pounds in ready money, and £1500 per annum. And now this poor man, whose poverty made him the scorn of his neighbours and acquaintances before, became a very good man all on a sudden, insomuch that the city took notice of him, and chose him sheriff the very next year; and the company that before refused to lend him £50, now chose him their master, and were all his humble servants; and he was applauded and cried up by every one. Here