Page:Pleasing art of money-catching (6).pdf/16

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that he dares hardly say his head is his own, and is afraid that every one he meet is a serjeant or a bailiff, that intends to captivate his outward tabernacle; like the man that in the night-time, having his coat catched by a nail, and so stopped, he presently cried out, "At whose suit? Supposing it was a serjeant that had arrested him.

The causes of Men wanting Money.

Since money is a thing so necessary and so useful, and the want of a competency of it, makes a man so very miserable, rendering him liable to all the scorn and contempt that an ill-natured world can throw upon him; it seems strange so many should want it, especially those that know the worth of it. And therefore it may be worth our enquiring into the causes from whence this want proceeds: I mean the common and ordinary causes; for there are some causes that are extraordinary, such as all our wit and prudence can neither foresee nor avoid. Such was that extraordinary and surprising storm in November 1703, whereby many thousands were undone, as to their estates, besides the many lives that were lost; and such also was the dreadful fire in Lon-