Page:Pleasing art of money-catching (6).pdf/20

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shoes than feet, and sometimes more feet than shoes, as the beggar said in the comedy.

Many also there are, who having been born to a good estate, have quite undone themselves by marriage, and that after a twofold manner; first, by matching themselves without advice of parents or friends, in heat of youth, unto proud, foolish, and light women, that one would better live on small allowance at a distance, than have a full meal at home, where he is always troubled with her never ceasing tongue. And this is the reason so many husbands travel beyond seas; or at home go from town to town, or from tavern to tavern, to look for company! and in a word, to spend any thing, to live any where, save at home, in their own houses, where they are sure to hear nothing but the brawlings of a scolding woman.


How persons may supply themselves with Money at all times.

NOW, if you would ask me what course you should take, or what you should do that wanteth money; let him first bethink himself to what profession or trade he hath been formerly brought up to. If of the inferior or middle sort of trades