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live upon the sea-side generally make of it, and as many make as will, none being denied the liberty of making it. This eoin of money the indians set sueh a value upon, that they bring down all sorts of furs whieh they take in the country, and sell to the Indians and English too, for this Indian money ; and the eurreney of it among them, makes them look on it as a good equivalent for what eommodites they have to sell. Both the English, Dutch, and French tradeing to the Indians with it, above six hundred miles north and south from England ; whieh is suffieient to shew, that the use of money is very aneient, and is made use of by all nations in tradeing with eaeh other; and was first invented as a medium in trade, and an equivalent to all sorts of eommodities.

The Misery of those that want Money and are in Debt.

There is no wise man that will covet money for itself, but for the use that is to be made of it ; for money itself eannot satisfy ; and so we are told by the wisest of men, Eecles. v. 10. He that loveth silver shall not be satisfied with silver ; nor he that loveth abundance with inerease." In a time of famine, or in a besieged eity, a man