Page:Pleasures of matrimony (3).pdf/12

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No curtain now o’er the transparent lawn. Is there before her virgin treasure drawn, Now void of all offence, he may behold Her bosom bare, and her unbraided gold;

But though he had revelled in bliss all night, yet his fair spouse’s mother came to the fair couple in the morning, to inquire how her dearest daughter did.-Yet the son was first saluted with Son, how is it? So well, said he, that I have been this night in Paradise. With that she put into his hand a plate of comfortable sweetmeats, consisting of eringoes &c. for his spouse and he to regale themselves, which done, she fills them a bowl of muscadine, and drops therein a new laid egg, which the bridegroom presenting to the partner of his pleasure, the mother fills an other for himself, which, without entreating, he then drank quickly off—But Mother Midnight, who longed to know how the bridegroom performed, and how many attacks he had made on the virgin fort, comes to the bride, and with a whisper in her ear, would have her confess, but the lady replied only with a blush, which made the bridegroom guess what she meant, and there fore told her it was an unfair question as yet; you ought, said he, to tarry till we rise; and since we are recruited thus pray wait till the physic has