Page:Pleasures of matrimony (3).pdf/18

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myself so well, that I will leave all the world to judge of me. Patience a little, cries another of the gang, I have known some women have not been with child, till they have been married two or three years. What! and you would have me stay so long, I warrant you; but I will assure you neighbour you are mistaken. Just in the middle of this confabulation, in comes another, and them she had been at Mrs. Breedwell’s lying in. How! says another, is my neighbour Breed well brought to-bed? Yes, of a fine lusty boy, replies the other. How long has she been married? says the young woman. About eight months replies the other. Adds heartiken! cried she, about eight months! Why, I have been married so long myself, and do not know I am yet with child.

This curious debate held them a long time, and had not been ended so soon, had not one who was somewhat wiser then the rest come in and addressing to the complainants, she said, Mistress this case is difficult, but the best way to receive satisfaction is to go home, and take the exact dimensions of your husband’s instrument, as to length and compass, and then we may be able to form a better judgement; but till then we can say nothing positive. Another advised her to make much of him, and nourish him up well