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Exemplified in the History of

Mess John Magopico.

Magopico was a country dominie, who taught the children the alphabet, and sung Psalms in the Parish Kirk on Sabbath. The vocation of singing inspired him with a taste for poetry, and a he could compose verses for the edification of his neighbours, and for his own satisfaction; a sample of his poetry will make the reader wish for more of the stock.

G-d not a beast, but me did make a man,
And not a Turk, but a true Christian;
His Providence made me a schoolmaster
None of the meaner sort, I do aver.

He was a good lad, and would lay out a little money in purchasing pious hooks from travel ling chapmen. None of your profane Jack the Giant Killer, Lovers’ Garlands, or Wise Men o’ Gotham; but Experiences of Lizie Wast, a Clat o’ Cauld Parritch, Peden’s Prophecies, Satan’s Invisible World, and a Louping-on Stane tor Heavy-arsed Believers. By such