Page:Pocket Manual of Rules of Order for Deliberative Assemblies (1876).djvu/124

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[§ 46

ment. When the Chairman nominates, after stating the names he puts one question on the entire committee, thus: “As many as are in favor of these gentlemen constituting the committee will say aye.” If nominations are made by members of the assembly, and more names mentioned than the number of the committee, a separate vote should be taken on each name. (In a mass meeting it is safer to have all committees appointed by the Chairman.)

When the committee are appointed they should at once retire and agree upon a report, which should be written out as described in § 53. During their absence other business may be attended to, or the time may be occupied with hearing addresses. Upon their return[1] the chairman of the committee (who is the one first named on the committee, and who quite commonly, though not necessarily, is the one who made the motion to appoint the committee,) avails himself of the first opportunity to obtain the floor [see § 2], when he says: “The committee appointed to draft resolutions

  1. If the Chairman sees the committee return to the room, he should, as soon as the member speaking closes, announce that the assembly will now hear the report of the committee on resolutions; or before this announcement he may ask if the committee is prepared to report.