Page:Pocket Manual of Rules of Order for Deliberative Assemblies (1876).djvu/192

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Table of Rules relating to motions, p. 8.  
Take from the table, motion to 19, 57b
Time, longest, first put 25
Treasurer, duties of 52
Trial of Members 69
Two-thirds vote, motions requiring 39
principles regulating [note] 39
Undebatable Questions 35
Unfinished Business, effect of adjournment upon 11
its place in the order of business 44
Vice-Presidents 46d
Vote, various methods of putting the question 38, 65
various methods of voting 38
forms of announcing 38, 54
change of, permitted before result is announced 38
effect of a tie 38
motions requiring more than a majority 39
Withdrawal of a motion 17, 62
Yeas and Nays, voting by 38
Yields, meaning of [Introduction, p. 18].