Page:Pocket Manual of Rules of Order for Deliberative Assemblies (1876).djvu/61

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§ 26]

[§ 42] except by a motion to Reconsider [§ 27]. The motion to Adjourn [§ 11] can be renewed if there has been progress in debate, or any business transacted. As a general rule the introduction of any motion that alters the state of affairs makes it admissible to renew any Privileged or Incidental Motion, (excepting a motion for the Orders of the Day or for the Suspension of the Rules as provided in §§ 13, 18,) or Subsidiary Motion (excepting an Amendment), as in such a case the real question before the assembly is a different one.

To illustrate: a motion that a question lie on the table having failed, suppose afterwards it be moved to refer the matter to a committee, it is now in order to move again that the subject lie on the table; but such a motion would not be in order if it were not made till after the failure of the motion to commit, as the question then resumes its previous condition.

When a subject has been referred to a committee which reports at the same meeting, the matter stands before the assembly as if it had been introduced for the first time. A motion which has been withdrawn has not