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"IT ORD, what care 1 for mam or dad ?
JL.J Why let 'em fcold and bellow, For while I live, 1*11 love my lad, He's fuch a charming fellow.
The laft fair day on Gander green,
The youth, he danc'd fo well-o So fweet a lad was never feen,
As my fweet charming fellow.
The fair was over, night was come,
The lad was fomewhat mellow ; Says he my dear, I'll fee you home
I thank'd the charming fellow.
We trudg'd along, the moon fhone bright,
Says he, if you'll not tell o, I'll kifs you here by this good light
Lord what a charming fellow.
You rogue, fays I, you've ftopp'd my breath
Ye bells ring out my knell o, Again I'd diefo fweet a death,
With fuch a charming fellow-
iijlRE round the huge oak, that o'erfhadows my mill, J-J The fond ivy had dar'd to entwine ; Ere the Church was a ruin, that nods on the hill, Or a rook built her neft in the pine.
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