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Ay, God! Perfection! Spirit! name as we will
Thee Whom our highest name
Can but defame—
Soul of all souls, All-Source, All-Satisfaction,
To Thee, to Thee, ever we break through still!
In Whom both Man and Nature live and move
And have their being; in Whom men think and love,
Struggle and choose and aim; in Whom
Stars come and go, winds drive, and violets bloom.
Purport of all! ’tis Thou the Power still art
Of each Thy separate part;
For Thee, in Thee, they run together, subsume
More of Thy Life, and with Thy Light illume
The shining body and soul of this Earth-Star,
One of Thy Thoughts express’d,
One Word made manifest.
—O, how much more! in Thee continuing far,
Her double note with what all-resonant Chord,
Hark! goes on choiring—O, behold how bright
Her colours, in Thee mounting, smitten are
To what white Light!
In Thy proceeding Poem stands this Word,
Thou, Thinker, through this Thought, art thinking on—
O, Man, and Nature and Earth, I see all gone
On! past themselves—all fused
With all, and yet all free!
Their utmost powers used,
Their lives not lost, but loos’d,
In union, Universal Life, with Thee!

Come down with me, my soul! let us go down

Freely to bondage, and contented stay