Page:Poems, Consisting Chiefly of Translations from the Asiatick Languages.djvu/32

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Fann'd with their flowing skirts, the sky was mild;
And heaven's blue fields with brighter radiance smil'd,

Now in a garden deck'd with verdant bowers
The glittering car descends on bending flowers:
The goddess still with looks divinely fair
Surveys the sleeping objecr of her care;
Then o'er her cheek her magick finger lays.
Soft as the gale that o'er a violet plays,
And thus in sounds, that favour'd mortals hear,
She gently whispers in her ravish'd ear:

"Awake, sweet maid, and view this charming scene
"For ever beauteous, and for ever green;
"Here living rills of purest nectar flow
"O'er meads that with unfading flowerets glow;
"Mov'd by the breath of ever-blooming May;
"Here in the lap of pleasure shalt thou rest,
"Our lov'd companion, and our honoured guest."

The damsel hears the heavenly notes distil,
Like melting snow, or like a vernal rill,