Page:Poems, Consisting Chiefly of Translations from the Asiatick Languages.djvu/46

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He spoke: a sudden cloud his senses stole,
And thickening darkness swam o'er all his soul;
His vital spark her earthly cell forsook,
And into air her fleeting progress took.

Now from the throng a deafening sound was heard,
And all at once their various prayers preferred;
The goddess, wearied with the noisy croud,
Thrice wav'd her silver wand, and spoke aloud:
"But take unheard whate'er you first desire."
She said: each wish'd, and what he wish'd obtain'd;
And wild confusion in the palace reign'd.

But Maia, now grown senseless with delight,
Cast on an emerald ring her roving sight;
And, ere she could survey the rest with care,
Wish'd on her hand the precious gem to wear,

Sudden the palace vanish'd from her sight,
And the gay fabrick melted into night;
But, in in place, she view'd with weeping eyes
Huge rocks around her, and sharp cliffs arise;
