Page:Poems, Consisting Chiefly of Translations from the Asiatick Languages.djvu/92

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I view'd the heavenly maid;
And, rapt in wonder, said
"The groves of Eden gave this angel birth;"
Her look, her voice, her smile,
That might all heaven beguile,
Wasted my soul above the realms of earth:
The star-bespangled skies
Were open'd to my eyes;
Sighing I said, "Whence rose this glittering scene?"
Since that auspicious hour,
This bank, and odorous bower,
My morning couch, and evening haunt, have been.

Quante volte diffs'io
Allor pien di fpavento
"Coftei per fermo nacque in paradifo,"
Cofi carco d' oblio
Il divin portamento
E'l volto, e le parole, e'l dolce rifo
M' aveano, e fi divifo
Dall' imagine vera,
Ch' i' dicea fofpirando,
"Qui come venn' io, o quando?"
Credendo effer' in ciel, non la dov' era.
Da indi in qua mi piace
Quefta erba fi ch' altrove non o pace.