Page:Poems, Household Edition, Emerson, 1904.djvu/440

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October woods wherein, 362.
O fair and stately maid, whose eyes, 95.
O pity that I pause! 187.
O tenderly the haughty day, 199.
O well for the fortunate soul, 208.
O what are heroes, prophets, men, 360.
Of all wit's uses the main one, 351.
Of Merlin wise I learned a song, 218.
Oh what is Heaven but the fellowship, 395.
On a mound an Arab lay, 100.
On bravely through the sunshine and the showers, 358.
On prince or bride no diamond stone, 301.
On two days it steads not to run from thy grave, 302.
Once I wished I might rehearse, 198.
One musician is sure, 237.
Our eyeless bark sails free, 341.
Over his head were the maple buds, 293.

Pale genius roves alone, 326.
Parks and ponds are good by day, 342.
Philosophers are lined with eyes within, 374.
Power that by obedience grows, 360.
Put in, drive home the sightless wedges, 347.

Quit the hut, frequent the palace, 291.

Right upward on the road of fame, 309.
Roomy Eternity, 350.
Roving, roving, as it seems, 210.
Ruby wine is drunk by knaves, 272.

Samson stark at Dagon's knee, 348.
See yonder leafless trees against the sky, 342.
Seek not the spirit, if it hide, 86.
Seems, though the soft sheen all enchants, 347.
Set not thy foot on graves, 29.
She is gamesome and good, 226.
She paints with white and red the moors, 341.
She walked in flowers around my field, 351.
Shines the last age, the next with hope is seen, 295.
Shun passion, fold the hands of thrift, 358.
Six thankful weeks,—and let it be, 373.
Slighted Minerva's learnèd tongue, 334.
Soft and softlier hold me, friends! 256.
Solar insect on the wing, 343.
Some of your hurts you have cured, 294.
Space is ample, east and west, 279.
Spin the ball! I reel, I burn, 304.
Such another peerless queen, 350.
Sudden gusts came full of meaning, 310.

Tell me, maiden, dost thou use, 387.
Tell men what they knew before, 354.
Test of the poet is knowledge of love, 296.
Thanks to the morning light, 15.
That book is good, 331.
That each should in his house abide, 354.
That you are fair or wise is vain, 31.
The April winds are magical, 255.
The archangel Hope, 354.
The Asmodean feat is mine, 334.
The atom displaces all atoms beside, 331.
The bard and mystic held me for their own, 357.
The beggar begs by God's command, 350.