Little Song, A, i, 203.
Live thy Life, i, 234.
Longfellow, Henry Wadsworth, ii, 86.
Longing, ii, 14.
Lordly Pines, The, i, 225.
Love and Death, ii, 49.
Love and Life, ii, 51.
Love and the Child, ii, 80.
Love conquers Death, ii, 233.
Love, dost thou smile? ii, 4.
Love has no Foes, ii, 188.
Love is passing, i, 140.
Love never is Too Late, i, 166.
Love Reproachful, ii, 163.
Love sailed at Morn, i, 163.
Love that faltered, ii, 139.
Lover's "Litany to Pan," A, ii, 224.
Lullaby, ii, 113.
Madonna, i, 23.
Maid's Defence, A, i, 209.
Man, i, 13.
Man, that will not be beguiled, i, 200.
Man-Soul, The, ii, 176.
Mars, i, 157.
Mediæval, ii, 76.
Meeting in the Forest, A, i, 187.
Memoria, i, 242.
Memorial Ode, i, 131.
Memory, i, 106.
Mid-Ocean, i, 196.
Might I return, ii, 175.
Millet, Jean-François, ii, 251.
Mirror, The, ii, 155.
Morning, i, 30.
Morning Glory, The, ii, 243.
Mother, ii, 13.
Mother-Love, ii, 101.
Mother Mary, ii, 235.
Motherless, i, 238.
Muse, To the, ii, 3.
Music, i, 93.
My Dream, ii, 130.
My True Love's Eyes, i, 153.
Nansen, ii, 99.
Narrow Window, A, ii, 34.
Natura Benigna, i, 139.
Nature, i, 88.
Near and Far, i, 160.
Nest, The, i, 206.
New Mars, The, ii, 207.
New York, i, 32.
No More, Dear Heart, ii, 180.
Nocturne, ii, 91.
Nothing that can die, ii, 219.
O Giorno Felice! i, 116.
October, i, 235.
Ode to Silence, i, 15.
Of Future Days, i, 74.
Old St. David's, i, 124.
On a Poet too early dead, ii, 121.
On the Death of Lady Curzon, i, 145.
Once in a Still, Sequestered place, i, 112.
Optimist, An, ii, 47.
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