Page:Poems (1853).djvu/136

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Maiden! in whose kindling eye,
Burns the fire of prophecy,
On whose brow its glories shine,
Priestess at the hidden shrine;
Tell me what fair visions rise,
As the future greets thine eyes.
Thither where thou still dost turn,
Does a bright Shekinah burn?
Does thy outstretched, beckoning hand,
Point us to a promised land,
Where the rage of War no more
Shall drench the crimsoned earth with gore?
Where no more, with features gaunt,
Shall stalk the haggard form of Want,
Nor Misery’s wail, nor Famine’s cries
Upon the ear of Plenty rise,
When the voice of Liberty
Shall bid the earth’s oppressed go free?
Thou, on whom the Future beams,
Tell me, are these idle dreams?