Page:Poems (1853).djvu/227

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Can save from that Lethean tide
That sweeps so dark along,
A people’s name;—a people’s fame
To future time prolong,
As Troy still lives and only lives
In Homer’s deathless song.

What though to buried Nineveh
The traveller may come,
And roll away the stone that hides
That long forgotten tomb;—
He questions its mute past in vain,
Its oracles are dumb.

What though he stand where Balbec stood
Gigantic in its pride;
No voice comes o’er that silent waste,
Lone, desolate and wide;—
They had no bard, no orator,
No statesman,—and they died.

They lived their little span of life,
They lived and died in vain;—
They sank ingloriously beneath
Oblivion’s silent reign,
As sank beneath the Dead Sea wave
The Cities of the Plain.