nearly allied in family, so closely bound in affection, and in whose mind presides the same critical taste which he exerted to the delight of all who heard him. He doubtless united with his unequalled abilities, a fund of good-nature; and this possibly led him to speak favourably of, and give satisfaction to writers, with whose productions he might not be entirely satisfied; nor must I allow myself to suppose his desire of obliging, was with-holden, when he honoured any effort of mine with his approbation: But, my Lord, as there was discrimination in the opinion he gave: as he did not veil indifference for insipid mediocrity of composition under any general expression of cool approval; I allow myself to draw a favourable conclusion from the verdict of One who had the superiority of intellect few would dispute, which he made manifest by a force of eloquence peculiar to himself; whose excellent judgment, no one of his friends found cause to distrust, and whose acknowledged candour no enemy had the temerity to deny.
With such encouragement, I present my Book to your Lordship; the Account of the Life and Writings of Lopez de Vega, have taught me what I am to expect; I there per-