Page:Poems (Fields)-1.djvu/102

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Sing of the Grecian States, that warlike band
Which held the ocean in its dread command;
Of Cæsar's glory, when his navies furled
Their sails before the granary of the world;
Of Afric's spoils by Vandals rent away,
And Eastern empires waning to decay.

Stand forth, old Venice—Genoa—Pisa—Rome!
With all your galleys on the crested foam;
Say, where are now your royal merchants seen?
Go ask the Red-Cross Knight at Palestine!

But lo! what crowds on Albion's shores arise,
Of noble fleets with costly merchandize;
What swift-winged ships rush in from every strand,
To swell the coffers of her teeming land,
While lofty flags proclaim on every breeze
The Island Queen,—the Mistress of the Seas!

Look to the West,—the Elysian borders view!
See where from Palos speeds yon wearied crew: