Page:Poems (Fields)-1.djvu/106

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Behold him now, just launching into life,
Teeming with hope, with all her visions rife;
His youthful dreams stand forth in real forms,
The world before him,—he to brave its storms.
And think you now, as homeward oft he hies
From daily toil, no tears bedew his eyes?
Forgets he now the simple evening prayer,
Instilled in childhood by parental care?
Lingers not memory fondly round the place
His boyhood knew, lit by a sister's face?
Throbs not his heart with some keen darts of pain,
As he recalls his banished home in vain?
Ah! though long years some pangs away may steal,
There is a charm that he will always feel;
And, though Wealth's eye on Feeling coldly dwells,
And sneering points her to his hoarded cells,
That fairy Eden shall for ever smile,
And win him back with many a loving wile.

O, happiest he, whose riper years retain
The hopes of youth, unsullied by a stain!