Page:Poems (Fields)-1.djvu/108

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Go, ask them now to buy the last Gazette,
Or Daily Journal, while the council's met;
And, if in peace you wend your devious way,
You'll swim unharmed the gulf of Florida!

Trade hath its bubbles! Eastward where the sun
Throws off his night-cap when his nap is done,
Lo, how they rise! what shouts on every hand
Proclaim the glories of our timber land!
O, who will credit such fantastic tales
While banks suspend, and India-rubber fails;
While fancy-stocks hang trembling in the air,
And unwhipped rogues the guise of virtue wear?

Hark, to the cry! an embryo city dawns
On some dyspeptic in his morning yawns;
Up spring tall forests in his magic dream,
And high-crowned turrets in the distance gleam;
Short is his meal; straightway a plan is drawn;
Here lies a railroad, there a verdant lawn;