Page:Poems (Fields)-1.djvu/24

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Pageant of light, dissolving into air,—
Thou glittering folly, seeming only fair,
What myriad insects, crowding to the flame.
Die in the arena, cheated of thy name!

Go mark its influence o'er each scene of life,
Your neighbor feels it, and your neighbor's wife;
He o'er Columbia's District sees it shine,
While she, more modest, thinks a coach divine.
"Be rich, and ride," the buxom lady cries—
"Be famous, John," his answering heart replies;
"The golden portals of the Chamber wait
To give thee entrance at the next debate;
Get votes, get station, and the goal is won,
Shine in the Senate, and eclipse the sun;
Quadrennial glory shall compensate toil,
The feast of office, and the flow of spoil."

Poor child of Fancy, party's candidate,
Born of a caucus, what shall be thy fate!
Nursed by a clique, perplexed I see thee stand,
Holding a letter in thy doubtful hand;—