Page:Poems Allen.djvu/138

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O, the vision that charmed our sight!
Hushed by a rare delight we stood,
As though we had found, in broad daylight,
The portal of an enchanted wood,
Or, stealing the wand of some elfin sprite,
Had suddenly put on fairyhood.

For lo! the mossy and rain-fresh ground
Was all empurpled with violet bloom;
Hollows were hidden and hillocks crowned,
Leaving so little breathing-room
That all the wondering air around
Was hushed and fainting with much perfume.

Pressing and pushing in purple crowds,
Laying, lovingly, cheek to cheek,
Drifted together in waves and clouds,—
As some mad painter; in wildest freak,
With wealth or pigment his canvas shrouds,
Lavishing color in mass and streak.

Open-eyed, with a startled air,
They stood, amazed at their plenteousness,
Scattered profusely everywhere
In wasteful lavishment; one might guess