Page:Poems Allen.djvu/178

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O, how often thou saidst to me,
In the beautiful time gone by,
Never could any other be
Half so precious and dear as I,—
Never another beneath the sky!

Hast thou forgotten it now, dear child?
Hast thou flown to some happy star,
Leaving me, in my doubtings wild,
Unremembered, remote, afar,
Nothing dearer than others are?

Now I reach for thy tender hand,
Now I pine for thy loving heart,
Vainly, vainly: and yet we stand
Only the width of a grave apart;—
Speak, beloved, if so near thou art,

Ah, dear silent! in vain these tears
Water thy grave with their bitter rain;
Never hereafter in all the years
Wilt thou answer my call again;—
Never, never,—in vain, in vain!