Page:Poems Allen.djvu/94

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No mourning for the lost, no anguished crying
  Made any face less fair.

Without the city's walls death reigned as ever,
  And graves rose side by side;
Within, the dwellers laughed at his endeavor,
  And never any died.

O happiest of all earth's favored places!
  O bliss, to dwell therein!—
To live in the sweet light of loving faces,
  And fear no grave between!

To feel no death-damp, gathering cold and colder,
  Disputing life's warm truth,—
To live on, never lonelier or older,
  Radiant in deathless youth!

And hurrying from the world's remotest quarters
  A tide of pilgrims flowed
Across broad plains and over mighty waters,
  To find that blest abode,

Where never death should come between, and sever
  Them from their loved apart,—