Page:Poems Angier.djvu/104

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Hie away to the harvest, boy, matron, and maid,
Of viper or vermin let none be afraid;
And gear up the horse for the sickly and old,
For berry-time, sure, is our true age of gold.

Speed off o'er the fields, to the pasture so green,
Where berries the ripest and thickest are seen,
Each bush nods a welcome to all who will come,
Then linger not lazily, drone-like at home.

Rise up with the robin, and brisk as the bee,
Go forth to the woods, they are waiting for thee;
Pail, basket, pan, dipper, each soon shall be filled,
The crop proves the soil was by skilful lands tilled.

Kind Heaven sows broadcast the sweet berry seed,
On high place and low, over hill-top and mead,
And nature's voice calls thee, the summons obey;
Come, gather my harvest of berries to-day.