Page:Poems Angier.djvu/133

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Courage, my soul, for always near
Is One who lends a listening ear!
He, watching, waits thy prayer to hear;
His voice can soothe. His presence cheer,
He wipes from sorrow's eye the tear,
He strews Hope's flowers in deserts drear;
Who in their hearts an altar rear
To Him,—need know nor care nor fear.
    Courage, my soul!

Close not the curtains,
  Nor darken the room,
Nor with silence and sable-pall
  Deepen the gloom;
Though trembling limbs falter,
  Ay, totter to fall;
Bending beneath the cross,
  Drinking the gall.
    Courage, my soul!

Toiling up wearily
  Calvary's steep;