Page:Poems Angier.djvu/70

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In heart, as in footstep, we're tempted to stray
From the straight path to heaven, from wisdom's safe way;
And trials are blessings, which rightly improved
Will aid our return, though far we have roved;
The hand of a friend would sever our chain,
Earth's captives restoring to freedom again.

O! need is there none for these heart-gushing tears,
These watchings so wearing, these cankering fears;
Though tossed on life's billows, we safely repose,
For faith hath a charm that can banish all woes;
And He who bade order from chaos arise
Can bid on our darkness light stream from the skies.

When heavily laden with burdens and cares,
Like some gallant ship with its treasures and wares,