Page:Poems Argent.djvu/106

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Yet would I lay thee in "His arms," my spirit fain would tell
How it hath ever found that "He hath done things right and well!"

ACROSS the shining fields she sped
Adown the lane so shady,
A cuckoo bonnet on her head,
In truth a winsome lady.
"The sun is shining, make your hay,"
We heard her singing all the way.

It was a day so calm and bright,
The hills looked warm and hazy,
And through the meadows flecked with light
Sprang daisy upon daisy,
And buttercups with crowns of gold
Stood up with shining faces bold.

Her footsteps hardly brushed the grass,
She trod so light and airy,
So fleet of foot this bonnie lass,
This frisky little fairy.
"The sun is shining, make your hay,
Time flies," we heard her laughing say.

By violet bank where feathery fern
Hid deep in mossy hollow,
Through tangled pathways she did turn
As swift as any swallow.