Page:Poems Argent.djvu/23

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      So, likewise we
In thoroughfares of keen perplexèd thought
Glance upwards, till our souls are taught to see
The mingled blessings joy and grief have wrought
In our lives' patterns—then we know that love
Wielded both lights and shadows from above!


HE has wayward tossing curls
And a mouth of sweetest pearls,
Oriental in their hue,
Dazzling with their lustre new:
And his laughter breaks in words
Like the twitterings of birds.

He has eyes so brown and bright
Full of innocence and light,
With long lashes sweeping o'er
Their unfathomed childish lore.
Oh! he is a thing of joy,
Strong and bonnie, Granny's boy!

In the garden running wild
He is Nature's darling child,
And the butterflies and bees
Try their winsome way to please,
Lighting on the choicest flowers
To attract this boy of ours.