Page:Poems Argent.djvu/72

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And dripping fast with water-drops
    He waits to meet
A rival stag, who parts the stream
    With rapid feet.

He gives a challenge loud and long,
    A shrill, harsh cry,
That breaks upon the frozen air
    And frozen sky!

A lovely picture! charming all
    Artistic thought;
The artist has the poetry
    Of action caught.

The graceful attitude of stag,
    His shadow slim
Lying athwart the crested snow
    All dark and dim;

The fallen trees beside the marge,
    And mountains high,
Bathed in a shimmering whiteness from
    The moon-lit sky,

Are perfectly pourtrayed by one
    Who loved his art,
Who put a soul in all he wrought
    And poet's heart!