Page:Poems Argent.djvu/88

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In her little scarlet jacket
With a hood and all complete,
   I have wondered
   If she pondered
On the harvest's promise sweet.

Oh! methinks those leafy covers
Loved this little one right well,
For she was so sweet and gentle,
Purer than the lily bell;
   In the gloaming
   Ofttimes roaming,
Like some spirit o'er the dell.

Lessons we might come and gather
Learn from her content and peace,
Sing her songs caught from the angels,
Songs that falter not nor cease.
   Nought of sadness
   Mar our gladness,
But with love each day increase.

Much you teach me, little maiden,
And your smile is like a beam
Of the sunshine that recalleth
Many a long thought and dream.
   Breathing prayers
   All unawares,
Twixt life's dark and fitful gleam.