Page:Poems Argent.djvu/91

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Parted by that same Hand that wields
    The dark and light.

Dear God! who giveth each and all,—
    The stars and sun,—
Help us to say, through storm and cloud,
    "Thy will be done!"

"Teach us to love and to forgive."

IF I have grieved you, dear, to-day,
If I have vexed you any way,
Oh! if you hope for highest.heaven
Forgive as you would be forgiven.

If I have caused a tear to start
From the sealed fountains of the heart,
And thoughtlessly by word or deed
Passed by your spirit's inmost need:

If I have wounded you full sore
I crave your pardon o'er and o'er,
For careless speech and random jest
That placed the arrow in your breast.

And yet you know for old love's sake
The human heart long time will ache,
Much to forbear in thought and mind
In every friendship we shall find.