Page:Poems Barbara White.djvu/9

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For Victory We Stand

Theme taken from President Wilson's speech.

For victory! for victory! in this our free born land
  We're going to fight with all our might
So the world will understand
  That duty calls us one and all;
So help to crush the foe,
  For right is might, that's why we fight,
For our banner's rights we do go

For victory! for victory! so the Stars and Stripes may wave,
  As men of valour, deed and worth
We are going it for to save.
  To our nations's call we will be true.
That's why we're in the fray;
  To try to save our countrymen
We stand for life and liberty.

For victory! for victory! noble and brave we'll be;
  As fighting men we're going to go
In the air, on land or on sea,
  So that righteousness may triumph
Over wrong at every turn,
  And we'll keep the home fires burning
For our soldier lads' return.
