Yes, there's one other Who misses you, too,The master you carried So long, faithful one,Who mourns you Now, but yourWork is done.
There's an empty stall In the barn today,There's a sorrowing heart, Is it always the wayThat what we love Most, is taken?
Good-bye, Dukie Boy! You are "only a horse,"And they say: be thankful It is no worse;"And we are, but We miss you all the same,With a sorrow, Duke. We cannot name.And so I'll be quiet And mourn alone,But it seems as if A friend were gone!
TO BABY. (Who died.)
Thou wert too frail a thing Earth's woes to brave,And the soul returned To the God who gave,Like some sweet flower We watched the bud unfold,Only to droop and fade Away, touched by the cold.
Sleep, softly sleep! Life's journey o'er,Safe with the angels Thou art evermore.Rest, sweetly rest! Out from the nightSo dark you went To the Eternal light.Farewell, sweet babe, Our loss, thy gain,For earth's paths but pave The way Heaven'sPerfection to attain. Safe from all pain,On the Saviour's breast. "Free" from all care.Rest, sweetly rest!