Page:Poems Blagden.djvu/186

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a roman street.

Their memory returned. I seemed to hear
Once more, the tread of armèd hosts—glad cries—
Barbaric triumphs, clashing victories!


But soon the vision fled, for crawling near
A skulking spy on vilest task intent,
Passed by, with roving looks and visage bent.


Cowled and barefooted noiselessly then crept
A bearded monk, with drowsy leering air,
Fingering his beads and muttering his prayer.


Beyond, crouched near the fountain, prostrate slept
A beggar lad; pathetic 'mid his torn
And abject rags a crimson rose was worn.


And still a shadow of the Roman pride,
A stateliness 'mid sorrow, I could trace,
Though soiled and crushed, on his defeatured face.