Page:Poems Blake.djvu/180

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Does the wailing cry of our fond hearts riven
Ring through the peace of the courts above?
Does the shadow of grief, like a vague surprise,
Reach through the glory around the throne,
Drawing thy grave, sweet, earnest eyes
Down through the worlds to meet our own?

You cannot answer back, my Sweet,
But One who came down to us long ago
Gathered the children about His feet,
And taught us the lesson we fain would know,
That if but a glimpse of the light above
Could flash for a moment on earth's dull pain,
We'd lose all else that is ours to love,
Rather than beckon thee back again.

'T is not forever we say farewell,—
Child of our heart, so pure, so fair!
We will kiss the lips we have loved so well,
And play with the rings of the soft brown hair;
For I know when my soul in the silence waits
The wonderful kingdom of God to see,
Down like a star through the beautiful gates
My little white angel will come to me.