Page:Poems Bradford.djvu/13

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O beautiful Lake of the Bear
Nestled midst hills of green,
Your waters so blue and so fair
To me are the dearest e'er seen.
For when the joyous spring has come,
And crickets chirp and wild bees hum,
The tamarack droops her plumy sprays
Throughout the shining golden days.

Above you water lilies grow
Nature's purest, sweetest child.
With rubbery stems and bloom of snow
Sprung from the mud yet undefiled.
The tall spikes of the cardinal flower
Gleam from the marshland's emerald bower.
The lady's-slipper, orchid rare,
Fox-glove and Indian pipe are there.

But when October dims the sky
The aster shows her purple rays
And flocks of geese go honking by
Sumac and maple redly blaze.
Then winter comes with icy breath
And dooms your flowers to sudden death.
But even in your shroud you're fair,
For O, I love you, Lake of the Bear!

'Tis blowing time in Michigan;
The cherry blooms are white;
The peach tree blushes overhead;
The apple boughs are widely spread;
They thrill me with delight.