Page:Poems By Chauncy Hare Townshend.djvu/34

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To graven idols still the knee ye bow'd,
And join'd in Baal's courts th' incestuous crowd.
Still in your pride ye mock'd the threat'ning Seer,
As the deaf adder shuts her reckless ear;
Plung'd in the Prophet's breast th' unhallow'd sword,
And dared to slay the chosen of the Lord.
Swift into light th' expected years roll on,
Th' Almighty Father sends his promised Son.
Not as when Sinai view'd the law reveal'd
In fearful lightning, and in thunder seal'd;
Now peaceful omens cheer the drooping earth,
And hail the tidings of the Heav'nly birth.
'Twas in the solemn stillness of the night,
When the mild moon diffused her quiet light,
When all the world subsided into sleep,
The wakeful shepherds watch'd their folded sheep.
Clad in the radiant glory of the skies,
A form angelic burst upon their eyes;
And, slowly stealing on their wond'ring ear,
Rose the glad sounds, 'twas Heav'n itself to hear.
"Joy to the world! ye nations, cease to mourn,
"Now is the Christ, the promis'd Saviour, born!"
And, lo, descending, the celestial train
Swell the full chorus of the rapt'rous strain;
Till on the gale the notes departing die,
And the bright vision melts into the sky.