Page:Poems By Chauncy Hare Townshend.djvu/36

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Mark that pale brow, with streaming blood embrued,
Where resignation blends with fortitude;
Those lips in inward prayer that gently move,
Those eyes, yet beaming with unconquer'd love;
The meek forgiveness which those looks declare,
That holy calm; and say, if guilt be there?
O love unbounded, more than words can tell
Tho' hymning angels on the theme should dwell:
Not to one people, not one age, confined,
But flowing ever on to all mankind!
See, on the cross those limbs in torture hang,
Convulsed, and quiv'ring with the deathful pang!
A deeper sorrow dwells upon that face,
Than Pain's severest agony could trace;
Ev'n now his spirit mourns Creation's woes,
And breathes compassion for his cruel foes.
See, by a world's united crimes opprest,
He bows his head submissive on his breast.
Now fades the light from those expiring eyes,
And Judah's King-her Lord-her Saviour dies!
Can this be He before whose awful nod
Ev'n seraphs shrink? Is this the Son of God?
Heir of the world, and Monarch of the sky?
The voice of Nature shall itself reply.