And all that charms the ear and eye, From earth, or sea, or air—That art could frame, or wealth supply, To please the sense—was there.
His hours in one continued round Of mirth and pleasure flew;And ev'ry want and wish was crown'd— If want or wish he knew.
No wand'ring beggar sought in vain. His hospitable door,And injur'd virtue told its pain, To feel that pain no more.
Still to his slightest promise true; A friend sincere and kind;A lover firm, and tender too, And just to all mankind—
Accomplish'd, learned, great and wise,— Was not Leander bless'd?Oh! yes, he was—to mortal eyes— But pause, and hear the rest.
Leander, though so highly rais'd Above the sons of earth,Nor bow'd, nor worshipp'd, thank'd, nor prais'd, From whence those gifts had birth.