Ah! wherefore should this feeble hand Essay again to strike the lyre; No cherish'd friendship shall the lay demand, Responsive to the wire;No seraph-voice of love, or friendship dear,Shall steal, like strains from heav'n, upon mine ear.
O'er the rough path, through this dark vale of tears, Trembling, and faint, my weary way I wend;While disappointed hopes, and cares, and fears, A mournful train, upon my steps attend.
No guardian hand to lead my wand'ring feet From fatal error's wide and wild'ring way;No gentle voice, in accents soft and sweet, To warn my heart of passion's dangerous sway.
No sympathizing breast, to which my soul May cling for comfort, when distress is nigh;—But, ah! forbear!—each fruitless wish controul— Patience and faith suppress each rising sigh.
Fountain of life, oh! everlasting God! Forgive the murmurs I have dar'd to make;I feel thy justice, kiss thy chast'ning rod, Nor hope for mercy, but for Jesus' sake.