But anguish gnawing at his heart, Black seat of horror and despair!
He started up with wild affright, His brother's faded form he view'd;Down dropp'd the goblet from his hand, And cold damp drops his forehead dew'd!
"Just Heav'n! what ghastly spectre yon! Why hast thou left thy bloody tomb?Or dost thou, dreadful vision! come To warn me of approaching doom?"
"If I'm a spectre of the tomb, What hand prepar'd that tomb for me?What ruffian broke Elfrida's heart? Say, do I now that ruffian see?"
"Forgive! forgive!" Sir Edgar cried, While terror fix'd his stony eye!Thy brother's crime, oh! yet forgive; Forgive, Rinaldo—for I die!"
Rinaldo check'd his lifted arm, He sheath'd the glitt'ring sword again;For tender mercy touch'd his soul, But touch'd too late, and pleads in vain.
For cold and chill was Edgar's heart, A freezing pang congeal'd his breath;And down, with many a horrid groan, The guilty traitor sunk in death.