Mix% with the waves the courser seem'd;In trembling agony she scream'd, And gaz'd with wild affright,While the dark fiend the waves did quaff,And with a loud and hellish laugh, Evanish'd from her sight.
Dread was the storm, and hoarse the waveRebellow'd 'neath the rocky cave, While echo sadly moans;And oft amid the tempest's roarWas heard upon the dreary shore, The dying Agnes' groans.
And oft at midnight's moony sceneA faded form of ghastly mien Across the waves doth glide;And oft upon the passing galesA plaintive voice the ear assails, When wand'ring by the tide.
Far on the ocean's lonely bed Where rude Orcadean Islands lie,In nature's wilddest robe array'd, Beneath an ever-clouded sky;