Page:Poems Carmichael.djvu/65

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Passage of the Red Sea.

The steed leaps shuddering on the path,
Urged by his rider's spur of wrath;
Proud plumes are tossed where frozen spray
Hangs white and feathery o'er their way;
   Those rippl'd waters lean!
But Pharoah's hand is on his sword,
His haughty lip its breath has poured,
   "There 's room to pass between!"
Haste, Israel, haste!—they reach the strand,
The Prophet turns and waves his hand—
   A quick-drawn, shuddering breath—
A deafening sound, as though the sky
Had flung its thunders from on high
   In one wild shriek of death!
And then the sea lay calm and still,
As though its heart recalled no thrill
   Of the wild tumult passed;
And the low murmurs of the wave
Were sweet as though it held no grave
   Within its bosom fast.
There is a solemn hush of prayer
   Where Israel bows the knee;
The glance of God beholds them there,
   The ransomed and the free;
Then from a people's heart upsprings
The hymn of praise that Miriam sings: