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O God of Jacob! would that I could hear such words'!How could they crucify that Man? Some say He wasThe Son of God! and Pilate said he found in HimNo fault! God! What a world! The faultless crucified,And I released—and yet, if Achan was received,Is there-no hope for me? I know He raised the dead—This Nazarene, Whom Achan calleth "Lord" and "King."Hark! for again He speaks—He, Who was crucified for me!"Father, into Thy hands I now commit my soul!"O Nazarene! I bow myself before Thy Cross,On which I should have hung, and humbly I imploreThat Thou wilt save me! Save me, Lord, as Thou hast savedAchan, my friend, a sinner like myself, O Lord!Help me to take again my life from Thee and serve—Not self and Satan, but Thyself and God, and giveAll that I have and am, to pay the debt I oweTo Him, Who here is crucified instead of me.

Montclair, Jan., 1915.

The Advent season comes again,The days are short, the nights are long;My soul! prepare thy Saviour's way!In thee let faith and love be strong.
The days are short, the nights are long;Use all the powers thy God hath given;Fill the short day with work that tells;Feed hungry souls with Bread of Heaven.
The days are short, the nights are long;Kindle in men the Light Divine,The Light of Love, the Light of Life,That they, too, may "arise and shine."