Then to my memory come the words of Christ:"'Tis not for you to know, but power I give.To witness for Me thro' the Holy Ghost."This, then, my mission—trusting Him who knows,And knowing that "He doeth all things well,"To visit widows and the fatherless,Abide in Him, the meek of heart, and learnTo pray and strive for that for which He prayed:"That all our children may be one in Us."
Whitsun-day, 1914.
Oh the joy of living! the joy of giving!After we have received all from Him!Oh the joy of knowing—the joy of showingThat all our "fresh springs" are in Him!Oh the joy of loving, the joy of provingOur "life more abundant" in Him!Oh the joy of believing! the joy of receivingThe Spirit eternal from Him!
My will is strong for me and mine:My will is weak for Thee and Thine:But if I loved Thee as I love my own,I could do "all things!"—and for Thee alone!
Today the fight is on, and we must keepClose to our Captain Who will all supply.His eye gives courage, and His hand gives strength,And then—tomorrow—cometh Victory!